What is Lalicat?

Lalicat is a user-friendly anti-detect browser designed to help you manage multiple accounts safely and anonymously. By creating unique browser profiles with isolated digital fingerprints (like IP addresses and device details), Lalicat makes it easy to bypass tracking systems and avoid detection.

Whether you’re managing social media accounts, handling e-commerce tasks, or performing web scraping, Lalicat provides a reliable and affordable solution for professionals who value privacy and efficiency.

Lalicat Proxy Integration

Follow these steps to integrate Toolip proxies with Lalicat:

Step 1. Install Lalicat. Download, install, and launch Lalicat. Create and log into your account.

Step 2. Add a Browser Profile. On the home screen, click +Add Browser to create a new browser instance.

Step 3. Configure Basic Settings. In the Basic Configuration section, enter your Profile Name, select the simulated operating system, and adjust other necessary settings for your task.

Step 4. Configure Your Toolip Proxy. Scroll to the Proxy Settings section and input the following details:

  • Proxy settings: Choose from HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS5 (based on your proxy type).

  • IP Address: Enter proxy.toolip.io.

  • Port: Use the port number provided in your Toolip dashboard.

  • Login: Enter your Toolip proxy username.

  • Password: Enter your Toolip proxy password.

For country-specific proxies, you can enter a format like your-username-country-US to receive a US exit node.

Step 5. Test Your Proxy. Click Check the Proxy to verify the connection. If everything is working, click Save to complete the configuration.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully integrated Toolip proxies with Lalicat.