Country Targeting

To target a specific country, simply add a two-letter country code to your username. Use lowercase letters, like this example for the United States: username-country-us. Here’s how it looks in a cURL request:

curl --proxy "[username]-country-us-session-YY:[password][port]" ""

City Targeting

Targeting a city is just as simple: append the city name to your username. Ensure the city code is lowercase with no spaces, for example, San Francisco would look like this: -city-sanfrancisco.

curl --proxy "[username]-country-us-session-YY-city-sanfrancisco:[password][port]" ""

State Targeting

For regions like the USA or Australia, you can focus even more by targeting states. Just use the two-letter state code in lowercase. Here’s how you’d target New York in the USA:

curl --proxy "[username]-country-us-session-YY-state-ny:[password][port]" ""

ASN Targeting

To target a specific ASN, just add the ASN number to your username in the format -asn-[ASN_NUMBER].

curl --proxy "[username]-asn-56386-session-YY:[password][port]" ""

ZIP Code Targeting

For precise location targeting, you can even specify proxies based on ZIP codes. Here’s an example for Memphis, US with the ZIP code 12345:

curl --proxy "[username]-city-memphis-zip-12345-session-YY:[password][port]" ""